
Newseum panel debates federal reporter’s shield law

Reporters and media lawyers seemed optimistic about the proposed legislation that would establish a media shield law during a panel at the Newseum in Washington on Wednesday."I've got a better feeling now than I've ever had,” said Kevin Goldberg, legal counsel to the American Society of News Editors, even though the bill still faces major obstacles in Congress.New York Times correspondent Charlie Savage was less optimistic, saying he was skeptical any form of the bill would pass.The bill, known as the 2013 Free Flow of Information Act, passed in the Senate Judiciary Committee last week.

Justice Scalia speaks in support of the Constitution

We should celebrate Constitution Day by praising the document as it was written, and not by adapting it to the whims of society or of court judges, Supreme Court associate justice Antonin Scalia said Monday."The source of our freedom is the Constitution that we're celebrating today," and not the Bill of Rights, he said.In a speech at George Washington University, Scalia addressed the need to remain faithful to the framers' ideas in order to keep the judiciary, and other governmental bodies, from overstepping their bounds.

Ninth Circuit latest to exempt publicly employed teachers from Garcetti speech restrictions

It’s illegal for public agencies to discipline teachers for statements they make, if those statements are a "matter of public concern," a federal appeals court ruled last week.Most public employees can be disciplined for making statements their bosses don’t like, even if it might seem like they are protected by the First Amendment.

September 2013 podcast: How well do high school administrators know the First Amendment?

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Audrey Cunningham of Hiram College talks with Student Press Law Center Executive Director Frank LoMonte about her survey of high school administrators' knowledge of the First Amendment.Frank LoMonte: It is back to school time for the 2013-2014 school year and along with teaching Media Law 101 to their own students, a number of journalism educators are… Continue reading September 2013 podcast: How well do high school administrators know the First Amendment?

Ohio school district says school bus cameras are protected by FERPA

Ohio school district says school bus cameras are protected by FERPAIn an interview explaining the Aurora school district’s bus safety procedures, Superintendent Russ Bennett told the Aurora Advocate that each school bus is outfitted with security cameras to record student activity. The recordings can be viewed by administrators in the event of an incident, he… Continue reading Ohio school district says school bus cameras are protected by FERPA