NJ student editor speaks out after administrators spike story about district tensions

The editor-in-chief of a New Jersey high school newspaper planned to publish a story in the most recent edition about a conflict between administrators and the superintendent. Instead, she ended up publishing a story explaining why that article didn't appear.

New Jersey students to appeal administrators' censorship to school board

Kylie Sposato didn’t expect much controversy when she submitted a column criticizing student smoking in the school bathrooms last month for publication in her high school newspaper, The Stinger. Sposato was surprised, then, when she learned that the column wouldn’t be running in The Stinger’s December edition after all, the by-product of administrative censorship.

Professional journalist speaks out in favor of students as New Jersey school board reconsiders prior review policy

Discussion and disagreement over a New Jersey high school’s prior review policy has moved a professional journalist to speak out on behalf of student journalists.Adviser Thomas McHale, who oversaw Hunterdon Central Regional High School’s student newspaper for a decade, resigned in May after school officials started enforcing the district’s prior review policy.