Illinois governor signs landmark measure protecting high school journalists against censorship

Makin' the Law: Illinois governor signs landmark measure protecting high school journalists against censorship
Journalism educators celebrated after a Senate committee vote approving the New Voices of Illinois press freedom bill, which on Friday cleared the Senate on a 51-0 vote with one abstention.

An Illinois bill protecting student journalists’ rights was signed by Gov. Bruce Rauner Friday and is effective immediately. The state had existing protections for college journalists, but the bill adds similar protections for students in public high schools as well. Students in public high schools will now have a legally protected right to choose what… Continue reading Illinois governor signs landmark measure protecting high school journalists against censorship

Hazelwood Inspires Student’s Testimony

When Hope Johnson was a freshman in high school, her journalism instructor taught her class the history of American journalism. But one lesson in history stuck out the most to her, and even struck a nerve. The Hazelwood case. “It made me slightly angry, but mostly confused,” said Johnson. “I was under the impression that… Continue reading Hazelwood Inspires Student’s Testimony

Illinois House unanimously sends New Voices press freedom bill on to Senate

ILLINOIS — House lawmakers unanimously passed New Voices legislation Tuesday that would bolster free speech rights for high school journalists and prevent administrative censorship in the Prairie State. House Bill 5902, introduced by Democratic Rep. Will Guzzardi earlier this year, would protect high school journalists’ right to free speech and of the press in school-sponsored media,… Continue reading Illinois House unanimously sends New Voices press freedom bill on to Senate