SPLC fights Florida yearbook censorship and promotes improved school student media policies

Lyman High School students outside of the building where they would protest the yearbook censorship in front of the Seminole County School Board. PHOTO COURTESY: SARA WARD

When school admin attempted to censor their yearbook and halt distribution, The Greyhound staff contacted SPLC for help and fought back.

Florida college SGA cuts paper’s budget following election violation story

The PantherNOW staff in a Zoom meeting. Photo from Gerard Albert

Florida International University's student government cut the budget of the student paper, PantherNOW, for the fourth year in a row on March 24. This came just two weeks after the paper reported the Elections Board violated an election code that said SGA must publish the ballot a week before the election, leaving students unaware of… Continue reading Florida college SGA cuts paper’s budget following election violation story