New Voices in Pennsylvania

Current Status: HB 1309, sponsored by Representative Melissa Shusterman, and SB 622, sponsored by Senator Carolyn Comitta, have been introduced and are awaiting a hearing. Join the movement by reaching out to New Voices or the SPLC’s Advovacy and Organizing Team at You can also visit New Voices PA’s website here.

Pennsylvania administrative code bars censorship of student media “simply because it is critical of the school or its administration,” but this provision has not proven strong enough to stop all undue censorship of student journalists. In addition, the administrative code continues to allow for prior review of student media and fails to protect student media advisers from retaliation when they support their student journalists’ press freedom. A strong state law is the best way to protect student journalists and their advisers, and support a robust and free student press.

Join the Movement
  • Contact your state legislators to let them know why this legislation is important to you. Find out who your legislators are here. Not sure what to say? Check out our phone script and letter-writing tips here.
  • Talk with SPLC’s New Voices Advocacy and Organizing Team ( about ways to bring New Voices to Pennsylvania.
Other Ways to Get Involved
  • Refine your thoughts with talking points, find answers to frequently asked questions, or find other resources here.
  • Locate a copy of your school district’s student media or student expression policy. This toolkit can tell you everything you need to know about your policy and what you can do with it. Some student media policies offer legal protection equal to or even exceeding New Voices protections. If that’s the case, spread the word! (And let SPLC know, too.)
  • Help your colleagues better understand student press freedom by inviting an SPLC expert to join you: SPLC In The Classroom.
  • Check out New Voices of Pennsylvania’s website and fill out the survey to help demonstrate the extent of censorship in Pennsylvania.
  • Spread the word about New Voices. Enlist all your friends in Pennsylvania to raise their voices in support of this measure, which ensures the basic First Amendment rights of student journalists and protects their advisers from retaliation.
History of New Voices in Pennsylvania
  • 2020: New Voices comes to PA for the first time. Sponsored by Senator Andy Dinniman, SB806 was referred to the Education committee. HB2302, sponsored by Representative Melissa Shusterman, was introduced to the House Education committee in February 2020. Neither bill received a hearing.
  • 2021: HB 2102, sponsored by Representative Melissa Shusterman, was introduced on November 23, 2021 and referred to the House Education committee. The bill was never heard.

You can see the list of national endorsers at the bottom of this page.

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