Advertising & Distribution

Advertising is a vital part of most student media. Student journalists frequently ask questions about what ads they can and cannot accept, about advertising guidelines, about billing and, more than any other topic, questions about restrictions on and censorship of advertising by school officials and others.

  • Advertising FAQs -

    The Student Press Law Center answers your most frequently asked questions about advertising in student media.

  • Sample advertiser indemnification clause -

    Rate cards and advertising contracts also commonly include an indemnification clause that shields the media organization from liability caused by an ad submitted by a third party.

  • Guide to distribution on college campuses -

    Whether, in any particular case, a college's attempt to regulate the means of distributing written material on campus is constitutionally permissible depends on several factors, as this legal guide explains.

  • Online gambling ads — a risk worth taking? -

    Calls to the Student Press Law Center indicate that Internet gambling firms have begun to tap into the profitable college market by advertising through student media — a practice that could be risky for student newspapers.

  • Student media guide to advertising law -

    Frequently asked questions about advertising law and student media.

  • Adoption, egg donor and surrogacy advertisements -

    A guide for college publications that run, or want to run, advertisements about adoption, egg donation and surrogacy.