SPLC announces new student program, online Podcasts

Your Voice, Your Freedom

Support the Student Press Law Center by participating in a new program to defend student voices!

Protecting the free press rights of student journalists is the number one priority of the SPLC, and now, for the first time, the SPLC is launching a program to give high-school and college students across the country a chance to work directly with us in the effort to protect these rights.

Your Voice, Your Freedom is a chance to put your creative skills to work rallying support in your community for a free student press. We are asking you to give people an opportunity to show their support for student voices by making a contribution to support our cause. All you have to do is put together a fund-raiser for your class, school or community.

Raising funds to support student press freedom allows the SPLC to provide free support to young journalists in their efforts to report the news free from censorship. But beyond that, these fundraising events will give you a chance to tell your school and community about the work you do in serving your school through journalism and that student free press and expression rights are important to you.

The SPLC will provide all the tools you need on our Web site at http://www.splc.org/yvyf/ to make this activity easy. You will find posters, press releases and flyers to help promote your event. Or, you can use your Web know-how and, with a few clicks, sign up on our site to host a virtual event. You can compete with classes and schools around the country to show your dedication to the First Amendment. Top participants will be recognized nationally on our Web site and in the SPLC Report.

Your Voice, Your Freedom program will begin in the fall 2007, so stay tuned for additional information. In the meantime, visit our Web site www.splc.org for more information and to sign up to host a bake sale, car wash, penny war, or any other creative event you can think of.

It’s a simple way to support your a free student press and the work of the Student Press Law Center! Help us make the Your Voice, Your Freedom a huge success in 2007.

This is your chance to show that the First Amendment belongs to you too. Visit www.splc.org and learn more today!

Podcasts available now!

Plug in your digital music player and download our new Podcast, available monthly from the team at the Student Press Law Center!

Thanks to a generous grant from the Newspaper Association of America Foundation, the SPLC has made the leap into Podcasting, which will allow students, faculty and advocates to get their student press law news on the go.

The Podcasts will be published every month from September to May and will provide legal insight into censorship issues, legislative progress and court cases that affect the student press.

Podcasts are available now on our Web site at www.splc.org/podcasts/ and on iTunes, just search for the Student Press Law Center!