Newspaper thefts hit colleges across the country

About 10,000 copiesof student newspapers at colleges and universities in Oklahoma, Kentucky, RhodeIsland, Arizona and Mississippi have been stolen from their racks so far thismonth. 

Thieves took issues, often destroying them, for reasonsreportedly ranging from a controversial sex column to news stories onalcohol-related student deaths and drunk driving.   

Read thefull stories at: 

University of Tulsa (OK): 

Universityof Kentucky:

ArizonaState University:

WeberState University (UT):

Universityof Southern Mississippi:

SPLCView: For reasons that are not clear, newspaper thefts at colleges anduniversities this year have more than doubled over the numbers recorded lastyear. From September through November last year, six thefts had been reported tothe SPLC. During the same period this year, at least 14 thefts have beenreported. If you haven’t already done so, we urge all student publications toinclude a prominent notice on their pages indicating that individuals who wantto take more than their allocated single copy must arrange and pay for suchcopies. Sample language can be found in our Newspaper Theft Checklist at: