‘Joke’ issues not so funny

Controversial content has given rise to heated debate, deception and resignations at college newspapers across the country. From California to New Jersey, college publications have questioned, and been questioned for publishing material that went beyond everyday news.


\n Spoof issues and cartoons have caused problems for several newspapers this spring. An annual joke issue of the California Aggie in June at the University of California at Davis led to media coverage and questions about Fitz Vo’s status as editor.


\n Most controversial of the content was a photo of two campus egg-like sculptures with a phallic symbol digitally superimposed in the middle with children playing nearby, and a photo that shows a white student holding a knife while looking menacingly at a black student.


\n ”I am sorry for the things that did cross the line of good taste,” Vo said. ”We prefaced [the issue] by saying